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Energy Law Today

Texas Suspense Accounts One Year After Freeport

Freeport is, however, a substantially important decision concerning two of the safe harbor provisions in section 91.402 of the Texas Natural Resources Code. Those allow the payment of proceeds to be withheld, i.e., placed in suspense, without interest […]

Demetri J. Economou

Triumph at the Fifth Circuit

Our appellate team, including Thomas Ciarlone and Demetri Economou, proved triumphant at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Within one week of arguments, Ciarlone and Economou obtained a summary judgment and seven-figure fee award. Another […]

5 First Day Energy Actions Expected from President Biden

This article discusses what will happen on Day One for the energy industry.  Our analysis is drawn from Biden’s own words, campaign pledges, and written policies—including his Clean Energy Revolution Fact Sheet and Plan for Climate Change […]

Demetri J. Economou

VIDEO: "Oil and Gas Law: In 5 Minutes or Less"

In the latest episode of Oil and Gas Law: In 5 Five Minutes or Less, KRCL's video series covering key legal developments for energy industry professionals, litigation partner Tom Ciarlone discusses a mineral lease dispute that has percolated up to […]

Thomas G. Ciarlone Jr.

SCOTX to Review Mineral Lease Boundary Dispute

In a case with potentially far-reaching consequences, the Texas Supreme Court has agreed to review the Thirteenth Court of Appeals decision in Ellison v. Three Rivers Acquisition LLC, No. 13-17-00046-CV, 2019 WL 613262 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi […]

Thomas G. Ciarlone Jr.

PODCAST: Three New Important Oil-and-Gas Cases

Download the iPhone/iPad app for our podcast at, or the Android app at The podcast is also available on iTunes (, Google Play (, Spotify […]

Thomas G. Ciarlone Jr.

Oil-and-Gas Class Actions: A Cautionary Tale

In the latest episode of Oil and Gas Law: In 5 Five Minutes or Less, KRCL's video series covering important legal developments for energy industry professionals, litigation partner Tom Ciarlone discusses a recent verdict out of an Oklahoma federal […]

Thomas G. Ciarlone Jr.