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White House Releases Cyber Incident Coordination Plan

In an effort to better facilitate federal response to cyber-incidents[1] the Obama Administration released a Presidential Policy Directive on United States Cyber Incident Coordination (“PPD”)[2] on July 26, 2016.   The PPD is a continuation of […]

Overhauling the Entire Peer Review System?

The Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy published an article this past spring that does a pretty good job of articulating the various concerns with the current scheme of state and federal peer review immunities, along with the state peer […]

The Final Say So On New Overtime Regulations

The Department of Labor has submitted its final proposed rule regarding changes to overtime regulations. The new regulations will significantly increase the number of workers that will be eligible for overtime, and are anticipated to go into effect this […]

Physicians Need to Beware of Compounding and Other Schemes

Physicians struggle to make money in the current health care environment. Taking care of patients just does not pay the bills like it used to anymore—and provides a lousy business model. Employed physicians make a salary with limited bonus opportunities […]

Cybersecurity in the Medical Industry

Read my  latest post on The Doctor's Advocate blog, where I talk about how physicians need to increase their cybersecurity in 2016.

Physicians Must Improve Cybersecurity in 2016

In 2015, the health care industry faced a wave of cyberattacks greater than in any previous year, with IBM reporting that close to 100 million records were compromised. Personal medical records now sell for a much higher price than credit cards on the […]