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KRCL 2018 Mid-Year Litigation Report

The dockets are hot at KRCL! Litigation has been heating up for our attorneys throughout the first half of 2018, with numerous new cases going to trial or appeal, as well as a large number of case victories achieved through Motions for Summary Judgment […]

Lease Termination Disputes and Bankruptcy

As the brick and mortar retail industry continues to decline, landlords are likely to engage in an increasing number of lease disputes with delinquent tenants. As we have seen over the past five years, those disputes often end up in bankruptcy court […]

John J. Kane

Leveling the Playing Field for Local Retailers – Taxing Online Sales

Prior to June 2018, states and municipalities were only permitted to impose sales taxes on sellers of goods and services when the sellers had a physical presence in the state or municipality. Many brick-and-mortar businesses and local businesses believed […]