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5th Circuit Bankruptcy Summary: In re BP RE, L.P., 2013 WL 5975030

The case is In re BP RE, L.P., 2013 WL 5975030 (Nov. 11, 2013).  The case involved BP RE, L.P. (“BPRE”) which filed Chapter 11 in the Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas, Waco Division.  BPRE filed state-court […]

Bankruptcies Bring Acquisition Opportunities

A bankruptcy filing may be an opportunity for the acquisition opportunities of individual assets, or an entire going concern business.   To learn more, click on the link below to an article published recently by the online news […]

5th Circuit Summary: Smith v. Gartley (In re Berman-Smith), No. 13-50154

The detailed facts of this case aren’t particularly relevant.  The issue was whether the district court has jurisdiction to hear an appeal filed after the 14 day period in Rule 8002.  The Fifth Circuit has not had an opportunity to address […]

5th Circuit Summary: The Cadle Co. v. Moore (In re Moore), No. 13-10325

Cadle Co. sued James Moore, Brunswick Homes and others in state court alleging that Moore used Brunswick to shield assets and to avoid paying debts to Cadle.  The causes of action included a state-law fraudulent transfer action.  Moore subsequently […]