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LITIGATION ALERT: Texas Enacts New Uniform Trade Secrets Act

Texas recently enacted the Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act (“TUTSA” or the “Act”) becoming the 48th state to enact the model statute and leaving only Massachusetts and New York to remain.  Governor Rick Perry signed TUTSA […]

Transactional Attorney Viking Tao Quoted by China Daily USA

On February 22, 2013, China Daily USA published an article entitled Chinese firms are content: survey. The article summarizes a recent survey conducted by China Daily and APCO Worldwide on Chinese companies doing business in the U.S. According to the […]

Transactional Attorney Viking Tao Interviewed by China Daily USA

On January 20, 2013, China Daily USA featured an article entitled Wanda readies AMC cinemas for close-up.  The article reports on AMC's new Chinese owner's plan to upgrade the movie theatre chain as well as its charitable efforts towards education in […]

Ripples From Stanford Ponzi Scheme

Trustmark National Bank asked a federal judge to decide to whom it should deliver money from Allen Stanford’s Ponzi scheme: the U.S.-appointed receiver or Antiguan-appointed liquidators. Read more…

Commonsense Guide to Resolving Conflicts

On September 14, 2011, Karin M. Zaner spoke at the Prudential Asset Resources, Inc. Developing Leaders Program.  Her presentation, Commonsense Guide to Resolving Conflicts, covered practical steps to resolving day-to-day business conflicts.