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Physicians Must Improve Cybersecurity in 2016

In 2015, the health care industry faced a wave of cyberattacks greater than in any previous year, with IBM reporting that close to 100 million records were compromised. Personal medical records now sell for a much higher price than credit cards on the […]

OSHA updates for 2016

Two meaningful developments have transpired in the Occupational Safety & Health realm.  First, the fines for violations have been adjusted for inflation and significantly increased.  Second, employers may now report fatalities and other serious […]

Trade Secrets: Three Ways you May be Unwittingly Sharing Yours.

Trade secrets come in many forms.  They commonly include customer lists, programming data, pricing information, cost matrices and secret recipes.   Whatever information a company develops or acquires for the purpose of having a competitive edge that […]

Richard L. Hathaway

Beware of Third-Party Releases in Bankruptcy

Companies seeking to confirm a Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan typically include releases that discharge the bankrupt company (the debtor) from liability on claims, thereby giving the debtor a chance to emerge from bankruptcy and seek a profitable future.& […]