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90 Days in the Hole - Lead up to Bankruptcy

Kane Russell Coleman Logan PC's Energy & Transportation Practice Group will host a webinar on June 9, 2021.  This presentation featuring Michael Ridulfo, will discuss the myriad of issues that arise in the 90 days preceding a bankruptcy […]

Michael P. Ridulfo

Bankruptcy Experts: Middle Market’s ‘Day of Reckoning is Coming’

According to the article, "1,790 companies filed in Texas to restructure in 2020, making the state the most popular in the union for declaring bankruptcy." However most of these were larger companies and the bankuptcies coming are likely to […]

5th Circuit Bankruptcy Summary: In re BP RE, L.P., 2013 WL 5975030

The case is In re BP RE, L.P., 2013 WL 5975030 (Nov. 11, 2013).  The case involved BP RE, L.P. (“BPRE”) which filed Chapter 11 in the Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Texas, Waco Division.  BPRE filed state-court […]