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A New World: 5th Circuit Stays OSHA COVID-Vaccination Mandate ETS, Affecting Employers with 100-plus Employees - Court Finds "Grave Statutory and Constitutional Issues with the Mandate."

Scarcely two days after OSHA had issued its emergency rule or "ETS" mandating COVID vaccinations in the workplace, the Fifth Circuit on November 6, 2021, granted an emergency stay of the entire rule - stopping in its tracks the federal government (OSHA), from proceeding with a very lengthy rule and, some contended, a rather oppressive mandate, all fashioned through the auspices of OSHA. The just-inked ETS mandated that employers with 100 or more employees had to act as the government's COVID vaccination enforcers so that their employees were either fully vaccinated against COVID or tested, at least, weekly, if an employee was unvaccinated, to ensure that he/she was not COVID-positive. At this point, the entire OSHA rule is suspended while the courts consider the matter further. The Fifth Circuit decision is linked here.

Andrea Johnson

Texas “Anti-Vaccination Passport” Law

On May 7th, 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law banning COVID-19 “vaccine passports” effective immediately. So, what does SB 968 mean for employers? Does SB 968 prevent an employer from requiring employees to show proof of vaccination […]

Dennis P. Duffy

EEOC Guidance: Employer Mandated Vaccinations?

On December 16, 2020, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) issued further guidance about the employment rules applicable during the COVID-19 pandemic—this time focusing on employer-mandated vaccinations.  The latest […]

Andrea Johnson