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Beware of Third-Party Releases in Bankruptcy

Companies seeking to confirm a Chapter 11 bankruptcy plan typically include releases that discharge the bankrupt company (the debtor) from liability on claims, thereby giving the debtor a chance to emerge from bankruptcy and seek a profitable future.& […]

Springtime is Stern Time

On May 26, 2015, continuing a springtime ritual for bankruptcy lawyers, the Supreme Court issued its latest "progeny of Stern" ruling on the adjudicative authority of the bankruptcy courts.  In a 6-3 decision the Court held that  "Our precedents make […]

Fifth Circuit has Second Thoughts on Pro-Snax Fees Decision

How would you like to be paid only for work which, in hindsight, unquestionably resulted in a material benefit to your employer? That unsuccessful sales call? Freebie. That account you spent hours trying to collect, but ultimately had to write off? That […]

Trademark Licensor Rights Trump Bankrupt Licensee

While Donald Trump’s presidential aspirations and “Celebrity Apprentice” hosting duties make for interesting copy, the most recent news concerning him relates to the bankruptcy case of Trump Entertainment and the interaction between […]