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Enforcing a Non-Compete Injunction Could Require Disclosing Your Customer List

What happens when a plaintiff is granted an injunction that prohibits a former employee and its new employer from soliciting or contacting the plaintiff’s customers; yet, the injunction does not specifically identify those off-limit customers nor […]

Lease Termination Disputes and Bankruptcy

As the brick and mortar retail industry continues to decline, landlords are likely to engage in an increasing number of lease disputes with delinquent tenants. As we have seen over the past five years, those disputes often end up in bankruptcy court […]

John J. Kane

Leveling the Playing Field for Local Retailers – Taxing Online Sales

Prior to June 2018, states and municipalities were only permitted to impose sales taxes on sellers of goods and services when the sellers had a physical presence in the state or municipality. Many brick-and-mortar businesses and local businesses believed […]

Top 10 Mistakes When Drafting Non-Competes in the Oil Patch

In the latest episode of our energy law podcast, Chip Morris will talk to us about the top ten mistakes employers can make—in the oilfield, and beyond—when drafting non-compete agreements.Download the iPhone/iPad app for our podcast […]

Bruce C. Morris

The Invisible Slip and Fall: The Importance of Record Keeping

Most defense attorneys will agree that more often than not, there are no witnesses to the personal injury claims we investigate and litigate. In fact, there is often no record at all about the incident or occurrence that provides any helpful facts about […]

Don't Forget to Sign That Arbitration Agreement

In a recent decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit reversed a trial court ruling that enforced an arbitration agreement that the employer never signed. In Huckaba v. Ref-Chem, L.P., Case No. 17-50341, the Court found the agreement […]

Brian W. Clark