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Oil and Gas Law: 2017 Year in Review

At the end of the year, I like to take stock—in summary form—of the leading decisions impacting the energy industry. Historically, this has been for my own personal reference, or something I share inside our firm with my partners. Since this crib […]

Thomas G. Ciarlone Jr.

Texas Court of Appeals Decides Major Mineral Ownership Row

On December 14, 2017, the Corpus Christi Court of Appeals decided Haywood WI Units, Ltd. v. B&S Dunagan Investments, Ltd., et al., a long-running dispute over the ownership of minerals in Liberty County.  The decision addresses mineral deed […]

The Weinstein Effect: Changing How Employers Address Sexual Harassment?

It started with Harvey. And it hasn’t slowed down.  The fallout has been wide-ranging, from execs in Hollywood to politicians in DC.  Kevin Spacey, Charlie Rose, John Conyers, and Matt Lauer are just a few of the individuals who have […]

Important Revisions To Federal Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement Policy

On November 29, 2017, the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced significant revisions to its Federal Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) Enforcement Policy.  (For more information about the FCPA generally, see my earlier blog post from August 10 […]

United States Bullish on Mexican Energy

Last August, the United States joined Canada and Mexico to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement more than 20 years after its enactment. Despite the political rhetoric surrounding what President Trump has termed “the worst trade deal […]

Overdraft Policies Require More Than Compliance With Regulation E

In the past few years, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ("CFPB") has focused on taking action against multiple financial institutions for their overdraft services practices. These practices are regulated by the Federal Reserve Board’s “Regulation […]

Hotel Security Reexamined After Las Vegas Shooting

Following the recent mass shooting in Las Vegas hoteliers are taking a second look at balancing guest security with a welcoming atmosphere. Some have described security in the hospitality industry as a "conundrum" because "the concept […]