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Overview of Alcohol Liability in Texas – Part II

A provider is someone who sells or serves alcoholic beverages.  Generally, in Texas, providers are licensed and regulated by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission ("TABC").  However, a person need not be licensed by the TABC to be classified as a […]

Hurricane Harvey's Untold Impact on Texas Businesses

In an era where retailers face mounting pressures forcing increased store closings and bankruptcy filings, the full impact on the industry in the wake of devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey is still unfolding. A preliminary estimate by Moody's Analytics […]

Antitrust Guidance from the DOJ and FTC for Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

The guidance concedes that cooperation among federal, state and local agencies will be necessary in the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast and the United States’ Caribbean holdings, and the guidance further acknowledges that recovery is likely to “require […]

Hurricanes: What Does Force Majeure Mean to My Business?

By now, the names Harvey and Irma have become synonymous with havoc and destruction. Aside from the devastating effects of these storms on personal property, they also caused businesses to grind to a halt. Flooding, loss of business inventory, irreparable […]

Can I Get a Refund on My Gift Card? In Texas, Yes!

Gift cards from retailers, restaurants, and hospitality clients continue to be a growing aspect of the industry. In 2009, Congress passed the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act which governs store gift cars, gift certificates […]

Harvey’s Aftermath For The US Oil And Gas Sector

In a recent installment of Law360's "Expert Analysis" series, KRCL trial lawyer Tom Ciarlone explained why—as the U.S. oil and gas industry recovers from Hurricane Harvey—operators must also be aware that force majeure clauses, excusing nonperformance […]

Thomas G. Ciarlone Jr.