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Federal Regulators Push Community Banks To Up Cybersecurity

At the end of January, federal regulators strongly encouraged small community banks across the country to take measures to bolster their cybersecurity, and specifically asked that community banks take care to monitor the activities of vendors that handle […]

How Do Banks Protect You From Cybersecurity Breaches?

It is completely understandable to feel a sense of anxiety when you hear the words “cybersecurity breach” and “bank” in the same sentence. What reasonable person wouldn’t be concerned? You put your hard earned money into […]

Employer may fire employee for use of medicinal marijuana

Numerous states have authorized the use of medicinal marijuana.  Several others have even permitted limited recreational use.  How does this movement coincide with an employer's "zero tolerance" policy of prohibiting drug use, whether during or after […]

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear "Sincerity of Beliefs" Case

What is a “religious belief”?  Can an employer question the sincerity of an employee’s alleged religious beliefs? The U.S. Supreme Court previously defined "religious belief" as a belief that is "religious" in the employee’s own scheme of things […]

Michael A. Logan

Department of Labor Updates Definition of 'Spouse'

The Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) entitles eligible employees unpaid, job-protected leave to care for a child, parent, or spouse. In light of recent Supreme Court decisions addressing same-sex marriages, the Department of Labor (“DOL”) […]

New Overtime Rules: Changes are Coming

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) governs federal minimum wage and overtime pay.  Currently, employees covered by the FLSA must be paid at least the federal minimum wage, and in most cases, overtime for all hours worked in excess of 40 in any work […]

Michael A. Logan

U.S. Supreme Court rules against Abercrombie

Today, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in favor of Samantha Elauf, a Muslim woman who was 17 years old when she was turned down for a job at Abercrombie & Fitch because she wore a hijab.  Ms. Elauf was not hired because her headscarf violated […]

Michael A. Logan

The U.S. Supreme Court Rules That Courts Can Review Conciliation Efforts

After an employee submits a charge complaining of discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) investigates the matter and gathers evidence regarding the claims in question. If the EEOC determines that “reasonable cause” […]