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“HACKED! What you need to know about the Yahoo data breach”

On Thursday, September 22, 2016, Yahoo publicized a 2014 data breach “associated with at least 500 million user accounts.”[1]  This may be the largest data breach ever, in terms of those affected.[2]  Experts believe it could have a ripple effect […]

The Supreme Court Speaks on the Scope of Chapter 95 Property Owner Protection

In June 2016, the Texas Supreme Court issued two opinions interpreting the applicability of Chapter 95 of the Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code. While members of the Plaintiff's bar may be celebrating one of the Court's rulings, property owners […]

OSHA Regulations: Admissible Evidence?

Noncompliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations may not singularly establish a negligence per se claim, but such evidence may be relevant to proximate cause in a simple negligence action. In 2015, the Corpus Christi […]

Michael A. Logan

Episode of Humanities in the Spotlight to Air on KLRU in early October

Karin Zaner was featured on the April 29, 2016 episode of Humanities in the Spotlight, a panel discussion series produced by the University of Texas at Austin’s College of Liberal Arts.  Karin graduated from UT’s prestigious Plan II program […]

CFPB Finalizes Amendments to Mortgage Servicing Regulations

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) issued its final rule setting forth amendments and clarifications to mortgage servicing regulations on August 4, 2016. The final rule will implement new servicing regulations including the following […]

Jeff Novel

White House Releases Cyber Incident Coordination Plan

In an effort to better facilitate federal response to cyber-incidents[1] the Obama Administration released a Presidential Policy Directive on United States Cyber Incident Coordination (“PPD”)[2] on July 26, 2016.   The PPD is a continuation of […]