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Password Protection: Your First Line of Defense

The media has been aflutter over the past few months about the importance of basic protective measures that technology users should implement on their electronic devices. Recent headlines have revealed serious invasions of privacy—including leaked […]

SEC Sends Message to Employers On Confidentiality Agreements

In the aftermath of the Enron scandal and the Great Recession, Congress passed broad legislation to purportedly address corporate malfeasance, including the Dodd-Frank Act in 2010.  The Dodd-Frank Act, in conjunction with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, contains […]

FMLA Same-Sex Spouse Rule: Enjoined

The new DOL same-sex rule that took effect this week under the Family and Medical Leave Act has been temporarily halted from enforcement.  On March 26, the United States District Court in Dallas issued a preliminary injunction against application of […]

Michael A. Logan

Evidence of Failure to Use a Seatbelt Now Admissible in Texas

In a landmark decision delivered last month in Nabor Well Services, Ltd v. Romero, the Texas Supreme Court overturned more than 40 years of precedent and unanimously reversed the Court's long-standing prohibition on evidence concerning a claimant's failure […]

Family Medical Leave Act Now Covers Same-Sex Couples

The U.S. Department of Labor recently finalized a rule to extend the protections afforded by the Family Medical Leave Act to married same-sex couples.  The new "place of celebration" rule allows all legally married couples, whether traditional same […]

Michael A. Logan