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New Minimum Wage Rates

As discussed in depth in a prior post, raising the minimum wage has received a considerable amount of attention over the past year.  President Obama signed an Executive Order requiring employers with federal contracts to pay those employees at least […]

Truth Really is Stranger Than Fiction

I have to wonder though.  How did North Korea orchestrate such an attack in the first place?  Are we now in an era where there are no secrets?  No privacy?  No cause for anticipation?  No surprises except of course for these attacks?  How, for […]

Fast food non-compete agreements?

Fast food is very secretive.  Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken has eleven secret herbs and spices.  Bakers have attempted to reverse engineer Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe, but it remains a closely held secret.  Coca Cola has had […]

Richard L. Hathaway

The Motor Carrier Act/MCS-90 Endorsement Duty to Defend When No Coverage Exists?

Under the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 ("the Act"), no motor carrier shall operate a motor vehicle unless the carrier has obtained minimum levels of financial responsibility[1] through insurance or other forms for bodily injury or death to any person due […]

Actual Compliance with HIPAA is a Must

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (HHS-OCR), has recently entered into another HIPAA settlement, emphasizing yet again the government's focus on the HIPAA Security Rule.  The settlement highlights that health […]

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

These and other such issues came home in a very real way earlier this month when thousands of devices used to take credit card payments ceased to work.  The problem was no hacker or third-world government group bent on harming the US economy during […]

The Impact of Criminal Background Legislation and Litigation

Every employer has or like will face this dilemma at one point or another.  A good candidate for employment is located, the interviews go well, and now you simply have to complete the criminal background check as the last step to employment […]

Michael A. Logan

Physicians Are Wary of Bad Reviews

The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article titled Doctors Check Online Ratings From Patients and Make Change- Many physicians are wary of bad reviews from disgruntled patients.  The article discusses how doctors are handling online reviews […]

Uber: Is it Safe (Part 2)

In Delhi, in response to the report of an alleged rape by one of its drivers, Uber announced that it is taking additional steps to screen drivers.  Uber has hired a "local team of specially-trained safety experts" to help ensure that its drivers […]

Michael A. Logan