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Hurdles to Bringing a Defamation Suit for an Online Review

First, a website that publishes a negative or untruthful online review is generally protected from liability under Section 23 of the Federal Communication Decency Act. The protections under this statute apply when the internet service provider merely […]

Cybercrime and Bankruptcy – Will You Be Caught in the Snare?

While cyber-attacks are nothing new, the recent publicity of the attacks of such prominent companies as JP Morgan Chase, Target, and Home Depot has brought this issue to the headlines.  And with good reason.  While larger companies may be better equipped […]

Dress Codes In The Workplace: Are They Discriminatory

Many employers have adopted dress codes in the workplace that contain restrictions on a number of commonly seen "trends" that are prevalent among young employees.  In particular, there is a rise in the number of employers who prohibit tattoos from being […]

Michael A. Logan

Selling Your Clients’ Secrets on Craigslist?

If you’re like a lot of people you can’t wait for the newest and coolest smart phone to be released (then rub it in the collective faces of your friends, co-workers and kids). The problem is the cost – the base iPhone 6 is $199. So why not sell […]

Franchisor Strikes Out in Bankruptcy Court

Occasionally, a case comes along that shows how things can go wrong for a franchisor in bankruptcy court.  Cumberland Coral, LLC, is just such a case.  To learn more about the case and the issues raised for franchisors and franchisees […]

Negative Online Reviews- What Amounts to Defamation?

Online review can impact a medical practice more than ever in today's digital world and no one is policing what patients post online or how truthful it is.  All it takes is a cell phone and in a few minutes a review can be permanently posted for all […]

Make Sure Your Wellness Program Gets a Clean Bill of Health

With the rising costs of healthcare and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, more employers are offering or revamping wellness programs that that are aimed at incentivizing employees to adopt healthier lifestyles.  These programs include things […]

Kane Russell Coleman & Logan PC Adds Two New Associate Attorneys

Kane Russell Coleman & Logan PC (KRCL) is pleased to add two new associate attorneys – Rebecca Morley and Steven Kubik. Rebecca works in the Transactional Section. Steven recently passed the Bar and works in the Commercial Litigation Section […]

NFL Concussions: Impact on Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation

With the recent high profile NFL concussion litigation, traumatic brain injury ("TBI") cases have received a great deal of notoriety from the press and the public.  Where this injury used to be spoken of by doctors and trainers, TBI cases […]

Arbitration - a Benefit of Non-Subscribing

Employers who subscribe to workers' compensation insurance enjoy the benefit of insulating themselves from litigation brought by employees for work related injuries. Under the worker's compensation system, workers’ compensation benefits are an employee […]

Toolkit for Managing the Eventual Hack: Part 4 of 4

You have dissected your existing business insurance.  You have "armored up" with cyber insurance to insulate and immunize the business risk.  You have put internal controls in place to minimize risk.  Even with all these safeguards, any business with […]