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LITIGATION ALERT: Insurance Coverage for Construction Defects

Michael A. Logan The Texas Supreme Court recently issued an important decision settling insurance coverage issues in the construction defect context that had been undecided or inconsistently applied in the past.   Lennar Corp. v. Markel American […]

Michael A. Logan

Lending to a Series LLC

The Series LLC is a relatively new form of business entity in Texas. It was added to the Texas Business Organizations Code in 2009. Because the Series LLC is new, many attorneys and bank officers are unfamiliar with the opportunity and risks a Series […]

LITIGATION ALERT: Free Speech in Texas

First amendment scholars widely agree that when it comes to protecting free speech and prohibiting defamation, it is a zero-sum game.  The United States Supreme Court has recognized this tension, noting "[w]hatever is added to the field of […]

Richard L. Hathaway

LITIGATION ALERT: Texas Enacts New Uniform Trade Secrets Act

Texas recently enacted the Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act (“TUTSA” or the “Act”) becoming the 48th state to enact the model statute and leaving only Massachusetts and New York to remain.  Governor Rick Perry signed TUTSA […]