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The Constitutional Powers of a Bankruptcy Judge: Why it Matters

On June 9, 2014, the United States Supreme Court issued the decision Executive Benefits Insurance Agency v. Arkinson, Trustee of the Estate of Bellingham Insurance Agency, Inc., which deals with the constitutional limits on bankruptcy judges.  The Bellingham […]

Joseph M. Coleman

LITIGATION ALERT: Top-Level Domain Names: A New Frontier

First, think back to October 2013—the federal government had just experienced a 16-day shutdown and the internet only had 22 generic Top-Level Domains ("gTLDs").  Of these 22 gTLDs, there were less than a handful of gTLDs which were […]

Michael A. Logan

Jason Binford and John Kane Publish an Article for the Texas Tech Law Review

Jason Binford and John Kane published an article in the Texas Tech Law Review entitled, Farmer Favoritism: Statutory Protections for Creditors in Agricultural Bankruptcy Cases.  The article discusses several different types of special interest statutes […]

Rule 202 Pre-Suit Depositions in Texas

Procedural rules are generally complex and confusing to non-lawyers, but Rule 202 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure must certainly befuddle them:  "So I'm being sued to find out if I can be sued?"  As such, a potential defendant could arguably […]

Michael A. Logan

LITIGATION ALERT: Agreements to Arbitrate

A key issue in commercial litigation is determining whether the claims to be asserted are within the scope of an arbitration agreement. An arbitration provision might broadly include all disputes in connection with the contract or narrowly cover only […]

Michael A. Logan

Defamation in the World of Online Reviews

Business owners and professionals of all kinds do not need to be told how damaging a negative online review can be.  Online reviewers can impact a business more than ever in today's digital world and no one is policing what customers post online or […]

Joseph Coleman Presents to DFW Chapter Turnaround Management Association

Joseph Coleman speaks on Loan to Own Panel Discussion presented to DFW Chapter of Turnaround Management Association event, hosted by Deloitte-CRG. Mr. Coleman served as "Debtor's Counsel" in the mock trial panel presentation along with William Snyder […]

Joseph Coleman Speaks at 31st Annual Advanced Business Bankruptcy Course

Joseph Coleman speaks on Structured Dismissals and Conversions: The Reality of Dealing with Post Sale Case Administration, 31st Annual Advanced Business Bankruptcy Course in Houston, TX (February 20-21, 2014); Mr. Coleman's Panel Discussion included […]