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Employee Background Checks: Duties And Limitations On The Employer

Conducting background checks is both a necessary and risky venture that employers take on when hiring and retaining employees. Employers are increasingly finding themselves in litigation challenging the use of background checks as part of the screening […]

New Texas Statute Affecting Condominium Construction Defect Claims

Before filing a lawsuit or initiating an arbitration proceeding pertaining to a construction defect, a condominium association in Texas with eight or more units must now comply with the newly added Section 82.119 to Chapter 82 of the Texas Property Code […]

Loss-of-Use Damages in the Event of a Total Loss

On September 22, 2015, the Texas Supreme Court will hear oral argument in the case J&D Towing, LLC v. American Alternative Insurance Corporation, and the ruling could potentially have drastic effects upon how insurers handle and value property damage […]

Derivative Shareholder Litigation Involving Closely Held Corporations

The Texas Supreme Court’s recent decision in Sneed v. Webre strengthened the rights of shareholders of closely held corporations to challenge irresponsible or self-serving corporate management. Sneed v. Webre, No. 12–0045, 2015 WL 3451653 […]