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Limiting Third-Party Claims through Controlled Insurance Programs

All owners and general contractors are familiar with the scenario where the employee of a subcontractor is injured while working on a large construction project. The subcontractor is generally a workers’ compensation subscriber and, therefore, immune […]

Removal to Federal Court: Dealing with the “Artful Dodger”

Consider the following scenario: Your institutional client has been served with a first-notice personal injury suit filed in a historically plaintiff-friendly county in Texas state court.  You believe that removing the case to federal court will […]

Litigation Update: The Times They (May Be) A-Changin’: State Legislators Now Have A Uniform Cybersecurity Law Framework To Consider After NAIC Adopts The Insurance Data Security Model Law

Cyber-attacks and data breaches in the insurance sector are increasing exponentially as industry players shift to and invest in digital applications, platforms, and other advanced digital analytic systems that collect and utilize vast amounts of consumer […]

Hurricane Harvey: Considerations for Nonsubscribers

The implications of Hurricane Harvey will affect Texans for months, if not years. For employers who do not subscribe to the Texas workers' compensation system, there are special considerations that must be made to ensure the safety and well-being of […]