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Law In The Workplace

Defining "Harm" Today Under Title VII

This blog briefly looks at a recent Supreme Court case and some Fifth Circuit case law redefining what a "discrimination" case might look like – that is, what "harm" is required to be actionable under Title VII—what does […]

Andrea Johnson

Are You Rushing to Copyright Your ChatGPT-generated Screenplay? Don't Get Your Hopes Up. U.S. Copyright Office Publishes New Guidance on Works Created with Artificial Intelligence.

The U.S. Copyright Office (the "Office") receives about half a million applications annually.  These applications generally register literary works, photographs, and other visual performative and digital content. Recently, the Office recognized […]

Richard L. Hathaway

The FTC’s Proposed Ban on Non-Compete Agreements

Last month, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced a proposed rule that, if made final, would ban nearly all non-compete agreements in the United States as part of a broader initiative to promote fair competition in the labor markets […]

Employee Arrests and Convictions Outside of the Workplace

In the News: As with employment hiring decisions, the continued employment of a person who has been charged and/or convicted of a crime is always a matter of balance of job, person, and crime alleged. Andrea "AJ" Johnson shares valuable insight […]

Andrea Johnson