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Law In The Workplace

Employee Arrests and Convictions Outside of the Workplace

In the News: As with employment hiring decisions, the continued employment of a person who has been charged and/or convicted of a crime is always a matter of balance of job, person, and crime alleged. Andrea "AJ" Johnson shares valuable insight […]

Andrea Johnson

Fifth Circuit Again Denies Arbitration for Pipeline Inspectors’ FLSA Claims

On May 27, 2022, in Hinkle v. Phillips 66 Company,[1] the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued the latest in a string of opinions on arbitrating Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) claims, and it is one that should grab the attention of any employer that […]

Thinking of Paying Your Employee with Virtual Currency? Not so fast.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have come a long way from fringe, speculative assets of the tech world.  Digital assets and currencies are becoming more mainstream, and virtual currencies are becoming more widely accepted by businesses including […]

Supreme Court Stays OSHA's 100+ Employee Mandate; Health Care Rule Permitted, However

“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”

“For any young democracy, the most difficult but important step is burying the legacy of tyranny and establishing an economy and a government and institutions that abide by the rule of law. Every country faces challenges to the rule of law, including my own.” -Joe Biden

Andrea Johnson

Top Five Year-End Immigration Planning Tips

As we head toward year-end and look forward to 2022, there are planning tips for businesses and individuals to consider in order to retain current U.S. immigration benefits and the ability to travel internationally and return to the U.S.  The ability […]

OSHA Ordered to “Take No Steps to Implement or Enforce the Mandate"

OSHA Ordered to “Take No Steps to Implement or Enforce the Mandate."1 Fifth Circuit Stay of Vaccine-Mandate ETS Continues through Court’s Temporary Injunction Issued 11/12/2021. OSHA Rule Denigrated as “One-Size-Fits-All Sledgehammer.”2

On Friday, November 12, 2021, the Fifth Circuit entered its temporary injunction against the “Mandate” also referred to as the “emergency rule” or “ETS.”  This swift shut down of both the rule and its enforcement by OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration), followed the appellate court’s original emergency stay, entered less than one week ago, on November 6, which came just one day after the official issuance of the OSHA rule.  

Andrea Johnson

A New World: 5th Circuit Stays OSHA COVID-Vaccination Mandate ETS, Affecting Employers with 100-plus Employees - Court Finds "Grave Statutory and Constitutional Issues with the Mandate."

Scarcely two days after OSHA had issued its emergency rule or "ETS" mandating COVID vaccinations in the workplace, the Fifth Circuit on November 6, 2021, granted an emergency stay of the entire rule - stopping in its tracks the federal government (OSHA), from proceeding with a very lengthy rule and, some contended, a rather oppressive mandate, all fashioned through the auspices of OSHA. The just-inked ETS mandated that employers with 100 or more employees had to act as the government's COVID vaccination enforcers so that their employees were either fully vaccinated against COVID or tested, at least, weekly, if an employee was unvaccinated, to ensure that he/she was not COVID-positive. At this point, the entire OSHA rule is suspended while the courts consider the matter further. The Fifth Circuit decision is linked here.

Andrea Johnson