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Download the CARES Act Blue Book

This document was prepared by the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation in consultation with the staffs of the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Committee on Finance, describes the tax provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and […]

Orders Declaring Shutdowns May Trigger Insurance Coverage For Lost Income

Several states have already attempted to pass legislation declaring that shutdowns caused by COVID constitute property damage under insurance policies. That, of course, will probably run afoul of the Contract Clause of the Constitution. The Contract […]

KRCL Celebrates Staff Appreciation Week

While COVID-19 prevents us from our traditional week of in-person celebrations with our staff, we can't let the opportunity go by to stop and send a big THANK YOU to all of our hard-working staff across the firm. In both Houston and Dallas, our staff […]

Coverage for Business Losses – Property Damage No Longer Required?

Most commercial property insurance policies include insuring agreements that require direct physical loss or damage to covered property as the triggering event. Without establishing direct physical loss or damage, a policyholder traditionally cannot […]