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CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program FAQ

A1. The CARES Act (Act) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is part of a new Small Business Administration (SBA) lending program designed to provide small businesses with funds to pay up to 8 weeks of payroll costs including benefits. Funds can also be […]

Demetri J. Economou

DOL Issues Temporary Rules Related to FFCRA

On the day that the law went into effect, April 1, 2020,  the Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued its temporary rule about the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”).  The new rule (123 pages) is now available […]

Andrea Johnson

COVID–19: Contract Defaults and Insurance for Lost Income

The coronavirus is undoubtedly going to create contract disputes in ways that we cannot fully imagine. Parties will call their attorneys asking if they can send default letters or if they have defenses for missing contractual deadlines. Terms such as […]

Dallas County Paid Sick Leave Blocked by Federal Court

A federal judge in Sherman, Texas on Monday issued an injunction blocking enforcement of the City of Dallas Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (“Ordinance”).  Businesses with employees in Dallas for now will not need to comply with the Ordinance […]

Executive Order GA 14 - Summary for Construction Services

Governor Greg Abbott issued a new Executive Order GA 14 relating to statewide continuity of essential services and activities during the COVID-19 disaster.  The executive order supersedes any conflicting order issued by local officials in response […]

Latest DOL FFCRA Guidance Critical for Employer Strategies

During the COVID-19 national emergency, employers are faced with difficult choices, incorporating critical strategies and significant new requirements under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief […]