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Coronavirus FAQ #3 for Employers - The CARES Act

The biggest lifeline out there was just passed by Congress and signed by the President on Friday, March 27, 2020.  That’s the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES” or the “Act”), the largest stimulus […]

Andrea Johnson

Sports Venue Naming Rights - Maximizing Value for the Sponsor

No matter how you feel about it, corporate sponsorship names on your favorite athletic venues are big business, and they are here to stay. What the casual sports fan does not consider are the terms, conditions, and requirements to be discussed when a […]

Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES)

Today, March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the largest and most comprehensive act to aid businesses, employers and employees, particularly in the small business segment, during this COVID-19 pandemic.  The hefty price tag, $2 trillion, will provide […]

Andrea Johnson

Update on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA” or the “Act”), into law. The law overhauls leave requirements for employers – amending the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA […]

Andrea Johnson

COVID-19 and the Increased Attention on Force Majeure Clauses

A force majeure clause is a contract provision that excuses both parties from liability or obligation when an event beyond the parties’ control prevents one or both parties from fulfilling contractual obligations.  With the ongoing health […]

Families First Coronavirus Response Act

COVID-19 has already significantly impacted the U.S. in unprecedented ways.  In response, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law yesterday evening a law designed to provide relief to families impacted by the recent coronavirus COVID […]

A message about COVID-19 from KRCL

We are currently operating as usual, but should the need arise for our employees to work remotely or for us to otherwise modify our operations, KRCL is prepared and equipped to provide uninterrupted client services and secure your sensitive information […]

Coronavirus FAQ #2 for Employers – Working from Home

AJ’s Answer: The question posed, in my view, requires a larger look at our businesses and what we want to accomplish, how we want to do that, what we actually are able to do, and what makes sense for our business and employees.  The answer […]

Andrea Johnson