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Oil-and-Gas Case Law Round Up: January 2017

January has been a busy month for courts in Texas and beyond in the oil-and-gas segment.  In today’s post, we summarize several significant developments from the last thirty days that can be expected to have a lasting impact on E&Ps, pipeline […]

Thomas G. Ciarlone Jr.

Judge Blocks Overtime New Rules. So now what?

In my little corner of the law, overtime has been a central focus—in individual and class action lawsuits and, for over two years, in predicting and then ciphering the new regulations of the Department of Labor (“DOL”).  The new rules would have […]

Andrea Johnson

What Trump’s Win Means For Employers

After pulling off a victory more surprising than Truman’s, Donald Trump will have the opportunity over the next four years to–among other things–change the landscape of employment law in the United States.  With Republicans now controlling the […]

DOJ And FTC Issue Joint Guidelines For Human Resource Professionals

On October 20, 2016, the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) (collectively the “Agencies”), who jointly enforce the antitrust laws, alerted human resource (“H.R.”) professionals that they might violate […]

Trade Secret and Non-Competition Lawsuits in the Energy Industry—Continued

In my October 12, 2016 blog posting, I discussed how C&S Energy Services, Ltd. v. McCoy demonstrated that courts in Texas will enforce non-competition agreements that are reasonably limited in scope and duration.  A decision in a subsequent case […]

Trade Secret and Non-Competition Lawsuits in the Energy Industry

Trade secret and noncompetition lawsuits are common in the energy industry because non-public technology and the need to protect it can be important to an energy company’s success.  One example of such a lawsuit is C&J Energy Services, Ltd. v […]