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DOL Publishes Final Overtime Rule

After proposing its Final Rule on July 6, 2015 and receiving over 270,000 comments, the Department of Labor has published the Final Rule implementing significant changes to overtime regulations.  The changes will go into effect December 1, 2016.  Here […]

The Power of Arbitration Agreements and Class Action Waivers

The most significant exposure an employer faces in employment litigation is a class action lawsuit. Whether it is a class asserting claims for discrimination, harassment, or overtime, the potential damages can quickly escalate when there are multiple […]

Federal Class Action Serves as Warning to Oil and Gas Industry

On March 2, 2016, Aubrey McClendon, the former head of Chesapeake Energy, was indicted on federal antitrust charges.  One day later this pioneer and leader in the shale revolution tragically died in a car accident in Oklahoma.  Although the criminal […]

FDIC Encourages Banks to Step up Cyber Security

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is the newest entity in a long line of governmental and corporate interests to voice concern over cybersecurity measures taken by banks and other financial institutions. The FDIC recently published its […]

Dewan: A Watershed Overtime Opinion for the Energy Industry

An opinion delivered by Judge Harmon this week, in Dewan v. M-I, L.L.C. (2016 Westlaw 695717, Feb. 22, 2016), provides clarity in this murky area, much-needed particularly in the oil industry. Dewan holds that “mud men” or “mud engineers” are […]

Andrea Johnson

Can a Blind Person Read Your Website?

Many retailers, restaurants, and other places of public accommodation are familiar with their obligations to provide disabled patrons equal access to their brick-and-mortar places of business.  A lesser known fact is that "places of business" can also […]